An invitation to get away from reality.
A small collection of short stories. Some are very short, others much more consistent, but for each one I tried originality, drama, questioning, sometimes laughter, the disturbing stuff too. Yeah, that’s it: getting away from reality.
“– I am indeed a childbot, I am eight years old, my name is Jeremy, I am an AFT-5800, latest generation and … this is my human mother Melinda.”
To invite Frida Kahlo to the restaurant … Jesus who announces to the TV news that He is coming to save the world … Robert and Tony who find themselves locked in a pyramid, oh dear! And then, she no longer hears her heart beating, but does he love her? She no longer hears her heart beating, but will she get rid of him? In any case, these two, through emails, make a dialogue of the deaf, and it could end badly … Did you know that good nightmares exist? No, no? If a grain of sand could speak, what would it say?
One day, perhaps, they will lock us all in virtual universes … One day, perhaps, a robot child will come to fill a woman in need of children, who knows? “You are”, he writes to her, because she is everything to him! And then, when the switch between hell and paradise goes wrong. Oops! Fortunately, angels are keeping an eye! Phew! A collection of short stories, big and small, to have fun, to be emotional, to be surprised, to laugh and to cry. A little delight! By the author of the great Indian novel “L’enfant de la déesse.”